Samples are taken from each load of beans, delivered to the receiving station or processor to check for quality including moisture content, color, foreign material, and any other food safety factor. Each load is weighed before being moved into short term or long term storage.

Our company by using 100% Durum wheat semolina with high technology and modern scientific methods, at the fully integrated computer-controlled manufacturing facility, untouched before and during production, in a laboratory equipped with advanced technology before and after packaging, makes continuous quality control tests. Our company presents the taste of pasta consumers in Turkey and the world.
The Mediterranean coasts are the native land of the chickpeas which is from legumes family. Chickpeas are consumed as a dry pulse crop or as a green vegetable with the former use being most common. Seeds average about 20% protein, 5% fat and 55% carbohydrate.
When cooked they are a common ingredient in salads, stews, and soups.

Lentils which have high nutritional specifications. 1 cup serving fulfills 35 percent of human’s daily protein needs.
Made from the Whole Red Lentil. The skin is removed from the lentil, leaving the inside portion of the seed whole.
Split red lentils are made from splitting the whole red lentil. The skin is removed and the remaining reddish-orange seed is then split into two halves.
Turkish vermicelli is actually a kind of pasta. Used in pilafs and soups in Turkish cuisine.
Produced by one of the oldest pasta factories in Turkey
You could add vermicelli to your pilaf directly or fry it in oil or margarine so the color turns brown which in return creates a contrast to the color of rice. Another way of using it to simply add it to your soups.

Couscous is made from durum wheat grown and produced in France, however, it can also be sourced from various other countries. The wheat is ground into fine semolina and then passed through a process where water is sprayed onto the grain to produce the couscous grain, the couscous is then cooked at 100 degrees for a few minutes and then dried with cool air to bring the couscous back to ambient temperature.
Bulghur is a cereal food made from the groats of several different wheat species. This valuable, beneficial and semi-finished food is consist of only water and wheat. After the cleaning, boiling, drying, peeling and crushing processes of the wheat, this nutritional food obtained. Bulghur is low in fat, high in minerals like manganese, magnesium, and iron, plus it’s a good source of plant-based protein.