Apple Vinegar

Apple Vinegar is the result of using the best quality apples and turning them into vinegar with natural corn fermentation…
It is produced from the most natural products with due care and is bottled up under ideal conditions.
Apple Vinegar is an essential item of our cuisine and tables. Many scientific data show that eating 1 apple a day will keep the doctor away.
Eaten as a fruit, used in our salads, desserts, and dishes from the Ottoman cuisine and consumed a lot as vinegar today, Apple has many miracles. 
For example:
A disinfectant killing the bacteria.
Good for a healthy diet as it balances the blood glucose level.
Controls your weight by giving a feeling of satiety.
Protects against cardiovascular diseases by lowering cholesterol.
Protects against cancer thanks to being a powerful antioxidant.
Detoxifies the body by balancing the pH level of the body.